Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Well we didn't do too much on the 4th. We show our
patriotism by hanging an American Flag outside.
We also enjoyed grilled hambugers and brats.

Later that evening we went over to a friends house to
watch the fireworks. They're farmers and had a huge
field where we were able to blow all the fireworks.
Here's one of the many that were shot off.

There were tons of kids there and all got to play with sparklers.
I thought this was a great photo. Our friends daughter, Lindsey, twirling a sparkler in a circle.

Here's the funniest shot of the evening.
Poor Leia...she really has to cover up to avoid getting bit from the mosquitoes...
so she took the covers off of the folding chairs and put them
on her legs like knee high wading boots...she looks soooo funny!

Hope ya'll had a great 4th!

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